File handling functions

File handling functions — Managing files on the iPod


gboolean            itdb_cp_track_to_ipod               (Itdb_Track *track,
                                                         const gchar *filename,
                                                         GError **error);
void                itdb_filename_fs2ipod               (gchar *filename);
void                itdb_filename_ipod2fs               (gchar *ipod_file);
gchar*              itdb_filename_on_ipod               (Itdb_Track *track);
gint                itdb_musicdirs_number               (Itdb_iTunesDB *itdb);
gboolean            itdb_rename_files                   (const gchar *mp,
                                                         GError **error);


These functions are for copying, renaming, and retrieving information about the files and directories on the iPod.


itdb_cp_track_to_ipod ()

gboolean            itdb_cp_track_to_ipod               (Itdb_Track *track,
                                                         const gchar *filename,
                                                         GError **error);

Copy one track to the iPod. The PC filename is filename and is taken literally.

The mountpoint of the iPod (in local encoding) must have been set with itdb_set_mountpoint() (done automatically when reading an iTunesDB).

If track->transferred is set to TRUE, nothing is done. Upon successful transfer track->transferred is set to TRUE.

For storage, the directories "F00 ... Fnn" will be used randomly.

The filename is constructed as "libgpodrandom_number" and copied to track->ipod_path. If this file already exists, random_number is adjusted until an unused filename is found.

If track->ipod_path is already set, this one will be used instead. If a file with this name already exists, it will be overwritten.

track->filetype_marker is set according to the filename extension

track :

the Itdb_Track to copy (containing filename metadata)

filename :

the source file

error :

return location for a GError or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE on error, in which case error is set accordingly.

itdb_filename_fs2ipod ()

void                itdb_filename_fs2ipod               (gchar *filename);

Convert string from casual PC file name to iPod iTunesDB format using ':' instead of G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S (i.e. slashes on Unix-like systems). ipod_file is modified in place.

filename :

a 'PC-style' filename (eg /iPod_Control/Music/f00/test.mp3)

itdb_filename_ipod2fs ()

void                itdb_filename_ipod2fs               (gchar *ipod_file);

Convert string from from iPod iTunesDB format to casual PC file name using G_DIR_SEPARATOR (ie slashes on Unix-like systems) instead of ':'. ipod_file is modified in place.

ipod_file :

a 'PC-style' filename (eg /iPod_Control/Music/f00/test.mp3)

itdb_filename_on_ipod ()

gchar*              itdb_filename_on_ipod               (Itdb_Track *track);

Get the full iPod filename as stored in track.


NULL is returned when the file does not exist.


This code works around a problem on some systems (see itdb_resolve_path()) and might return a filename with different case than the original filename. Don't copy it back to track if you can avoid it.

track :

an Itdb_Track

Returns :

full filename to track on the iPod or NULL if no filename is set in track. Must be freed with g_free() after use.

itdb_musicdirs_number ()

gint                itdb_musicdirs_number               (Itdb_iTunesDB *itdb);

Determine the number of F.. directories in iPod_Control/Music.

If itdb->musicdirs is already set, simply return the previously determined number. Otherwise count the directories first and set itdb->musicdirs.

itdb :

an Itdb_iTunesDB

Returns :

max number of directories in iPod_Control/Music

Since 0.1.3

itdb_rename_files ()

gboolean            itdb_rename_files                   (const gchar *mp,
                                                         GError **error);

Renames/removes some files on the iPod (Playcounts, OTG semaphore). May have to be called if you write the iTunesDB not directly to the iPod but to some other location and then manually copy the file from there to the iPod.

mp :

mount point of the iPod

error :

return location for a GError or NULL

Returns :

FALSE on error and sets error accordingly