Chapter Data

Chapter Data — Data structure to store chapter data for tracks


Itdb_Chapter*       itdb_chapter_new                    (void);
Itdb_Chapter*       itdb_chapter_duplicate              (Itdb_Chapter *chapter);
void                itdb_chapter_free                   (Itdb_Chapter *chapter);
Itdb_Chapterdata*   itdb_chapterdata_new                (void);
gboolean            itdb_chapterdata_add_chapter        (Itdb_Chapterdata *chapterdata,
                                                         gint32 startpos,
                                                         gchar *chaptertitle);
Itdb_Chapterdata*   itdb_chapterdata_duplicate          (Itdb_Chapterdata *chapterdata);
void                itdb_chapterdata_remove_chapter     (Itdb_Chapterdata *chapterdata,
                                                         Itdb_Chapter *chapter);
void                itdb_chapterdata_remove_chapters    (Itdb_Chapterdata *chapterdata);
void                itdb_chapterdata_free               (Itdb_Chapterdata *chapterdata);


Chapters allow for a large file to be divided into sections. The start and stop points in the track are defined here, as well as the title for each chapter.



typedef struct {
    guint32 startpos;
    gchar *chaptertitle;
    /* reserved for future use */
    gint32 reserved_int1;
    gint32 reserved_int2;
    gpointer reserved1;
    gpointer reserved2;
} Itdb_Chapter;

Structure representing an iTunesDB Chapter

guint32 startpos;

The start position of the chapter in ms. The first chapter begins at 1.

gchar *chaptertitle;

The chapter title in UTF8

gint32 reserved_int1;

Reserved for future use

gint32 reserved_int2;

Reserved for future use

gpointer reserved1;

Reserved for future use

gpointer reserved2;

Reserved for future use

Since 0.7.0


typedef struct {
    GList *chapters;
    guint32 unk024;
    guint32 unk028;
    guint32 unk032;
    /* reserved for future use */
    gint32 reserved_int1;
    gint32 reserved_int2;
    gpointer reserved1;
    gpointer reserved2;
} Itdb_Chapterdata;

Structure representing iTunesDB Chapter data

GList *chapters;

A list of chapters (Itdb_Chapter)

guint32 unk024;


guint32 unk028;


guint32 unk032;


gint32 reserved_int1;

Reserved for future use

gint32 reserved_int2;

Reserved for future use

gpointer reserved1;

Reserved for future use

gpointer reserved2;

Reserved for future use

Since 0.7.0

itdb_chapter_new ()

Itdb_Chapter*       itdb_chapter_new                    (void);

Creates a new Itdb_Chapter

Returns :

newly allocated Itdb_Chapter to be freed with itdb_chapter_free() after use

Since 0.7.0

itdb_chapter_duplicate ()

Itdb_Chapter*       itdb_chapter_duplicate              (Itdb_Chapter *chapter);

Duplicates the data contained in chapter

chapter :

an Itdb_Chapter

Returns :

a newly allocated copy of chapter to be freed with itdb_chapter_free() after use

Since 0.7.0

itdb_chapter_free ()

void                itdb_chapter_free                   (Itdb_Chapter *chapter);

Frees the memory used by chapter

chapter :

an Itdb_Chapter

Since 0.7.0

itdb_chapterdata_new ()

Itdb_Chapterdata*   itdb_chapterdata_new                (void);

Creates a new Itdb_Chapterdata

Returns :

a new Itdb_Chapterdata to be freed with itdb_chapterdata_free() when no longer needed

Since 0.7.0

itdb_chapterdata_add_chapter ()

gboolean            itdb_chapterdata_add_chapter        (Itdb_Chapterdata *chapterdata,
                                                         gint32 startpos,
                                                         gchar *chaptertitle);

Appends a chapter to existing chapters in chapterdata.

chapterdata :

an Itdb_Chapterdata

startpos :

chapter start time in milliseconds

chaptertitle :

chapter title

Returns :

TRUE if the chapter could be successfully added, FALSE otherwise.

Since 0.7.0

itdb_chapterdata_duplicate ()

Itdb_Chapterdata*   itdb_chapterdata_duplicate          (Itdb_Chapterdata *chapterdata);

Duplicates chapterdata

chapterdata :

an Itdb_Chapterdata

Returns :

a new copy of chapterdata

Since 0.7.0

itdb_chapterdata_remove_chapter ()

void                itdb_chapterdata_remove_chapter     (Itdb_Chapterdata *chapterdata,
                                                         Itdb_Chapter *chapter);

Removes chapter from chapterdata. The memory used by chapter is freed.

chapterdata :

an Itdb_Chapterdata

chapter :

an Itdb_Chapter

Since 0.7.0

itdb_chapterdata_remove_chapters ()

void                itdb_chapterdata_remove_chapters    (Itdb_Chapterdata *chapterdata);

Removes all chapters from chapterdata

chapterdata :

an Itdb_Chapterdata

Since 0.7.0

itdb_chapterdata_free ()

void                itdb_chapterdata_free               (Itdb_Chapterdata *chapterdata);

Frees memory used by chapterdata

chapterdata :

an Itdb_Chapterdata

Since 0.7.0